Nisichawayasi Nehetho Culture and Education Authority
The Nisichawayasi Nehetho Culture and Education Authority (NNCEA) is a First Nations School system located in Nelson House, MB on the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation. Nelson House is accessible by Highway 391 just northwest of Thompson, MB.
Our Indigenous education system existed before Europeans arrived and before the signing of Treaties. In 1981 local control of education was regained in Nelson House. Today, we are working toward re-Indigenizing the education system with our values and beliefs while still recognizing the western knowledge systems. Since 1981 our educational system has progressed and we have accomplished many milestones. Our unique needs and attention to language and culture ensures the education is not just a duplication of the Provincial School Systems. These accomplishments have set in motion a positive direction and will allow for the necessary changes in the future.
The NNCEA is committed to creating a vibrant, productive and motivating environment for students, staff and parents. NCN’s education system is consistent with our traditions, laws, customs, culture and philosophy, while providing students with a high standard of education that prepares them to meet today’s challenges.
The NNCEA is governed by a publicly elected board and is responsible for the management and administration of:
- Alice Moore Education Centre (Administrative Centre pictured above)
- Otetiskiwin Kiskinwamahtowekamik Elementary (O.K.) School (Nursery to Grade 6)
- Nisichawayasihk Neyo Ohtinwak Collegiate (N.N.O.C.) (Grades 7 to 12)
- Post Secondary Support Program (Administers scholarship and student assistance funds)

Setting A Strong Path For Our Children
We are working together to create a strong PATH for our children. We believe that education is the most important tool that we can provide. By incorporating our language, culture, history and 21st century learning skills into the education system, we will ensure they become successful students and individuals.
About Our Logo
Mr. Larry Tait developed the Nelson House Education Authority Inc. logo in 1982 as symbolizing the “Cree Way”. The central red disk represents the sun, on which all life is dependent. The circles around the sun are broken to remind us of the four seasons, which provide a time for planting, a time for growth, a time for the harvest and a time to let the land lay fallow.
From the seasons we recall the human cycle of birth, growth, maturity and death, which in turn impress on us the swift passage of time. The red and blue notches extending out stand for the three communities: the Métis Settlement, Dog Point, and the Central habitat, separated from each other by water, but united and strong in purpose. The sun’s streaming rays form the cardinal points of the compass and inform us of the many directions available for each of us to choose as we travel through life. Whichever path you choose my child, always keep faith with your people. This is the “Cree Way”.